Star (*) + (1) + (two digit zone number) + (#). Thats it you are done!
For example if you wanted to bypass zone 4 your format would be:
If you wanted to bypass zone 16 your format would be:
If your installer programed your system for user code bypassing your format to bypass zone 4 assuming your user code is 1234 your format would be:
Similarly if you wanted to bypass zone 16 if the system is programed to enter a valid user code to bypass zones. Assuming your user code is 1234, your format would be:
To remove the bypass from a zone it's the same steps for example if you wanted to remove the bypass from zone 4 your format would be
If more than one zones are needed to be bypassed for example zones 1, 8, 12 and 16 your format would be
If the user code 1234 is required to bypass the same zones your format would be
*1OR*1 USER CODE Enters you into the system's bypassing mode
The zone numbers are always two (2) digits long that means zones 1 - 9 will be entered as zones 01 - 09. Most keypads display all the zones that are bypassed by turning the respective zone numbers ON when bypassed and OFF when the bypass is removed from a particular zone
( # )The pound or number sign saves the selected bypassed zone or zones and exits the bypass mode
THE FIRST option 'Bypassing without user code entry' is generally recommended for most HOME users
THE SECOND option 'Bypassing with user code entry' is generally recommended for most BUSINESSES to prevent would be opportunists from bypassing areas of your premises unknowing to you, thus giving them the opportunity to break in the premises undetected.
NOTE: Every time the system is Armed and Disarmed the bypass on all bypassed zones will be removed. If zone bypassing is still required the zones will have to be re-bypassed before arming the system.
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