How To Create A User Manual In Word 2016
As a person who responsible to write a user manual for your company’s new products, you might be looking a user manual or user guide template to speed you up on writing all guidance on using them. This user guide is an important part of your product package to avoid any misuses of your product that can lead to damage the product where it should affect your company’s brand. There are warranties, but avoiding those will keep your company’s expenses on manageable level.
Microsoft Word 2016 Training Manual
If you are a new staff and look for a ready to use template, you can download this Microsoft Word file. It already equipped with Table of Contents where its title and page numbers can be updated automatically every time you finished writing new sections. And there are section guidance written in H1, H2 and H3 headings that should be followed to make all of your written information indexed in its table of contents page.
This user guide template file is created with A6 size, 1/4 of A4 size. Most of user guide are written in those or smaller size to make it fit in product boxes, especially if the product has a small size like a mobile phone. And this template uses mobile phone terms as written samples.
May 10, 2011 A user manual is a formal writing piece with a specific structure, and should be written by someone who is intimately familiar with the product such as a technical writer or the product designer. Writing an effective user manual requires knowing who is going to be using the product, then writing it with these users in mind. There hasn't been an official printed manual for Word for many years, but the Quick Start guide Desiree pointed you to will get you started. Other Microsoft (and third-party) articles cover many other specific Word features, both in Word 2016 and in other versions.
In the first page you can find its title. You can delete this page, or change it to your own product. In the second page you can find its table of contents. If you click on this part, you will this pages are highlighted and you should see update buttons on top of it to update its indexes every time you finished writing in any or create new sections.
Then, you will see its contents. It consists of titles with different heading formats. You can change it with your own titles. To add new titles, just type your title, and while your cursor still in that line, select and click on your aimed heading format ribbon button. Then you can write your words below it. You don’t have to worry about its numbering, it will be added automatically. And it will be adjusted as well if you insert new sections in the middle of your words.
You can change its font size and color formats by changing heading styles. It will apply to all of your documents. You can also modify table of contents format from its menu.
Canon eos 70d manual pdf. With all available tools provided by Microsoft Word, you should find it easy to write your own User Guide. You can use this User Manual template for any types of products where mostly are electronic products that need it.
User Manual/Guide Template (33.4 KiB, 956 hits)